日本語HOME » 関係機関・団体のお知らせ一覧 » シンハラ語学習用語辞典発行!Publishing a Sinhara study dictionary!



Publishing a Sinhara study dictionary!



The Association for the Creation and Development of Night Schools in Tochigi published “Junior High School Subject Vocabulary Books” (Japanese ⇒ Sinhala) on December 20, 2024 through a project utilizing JICA funds.



The study terms in junior high school textbooks (mathematics, English, geography, science) are translated into Sinhala.



If you would like to obtain a copy of this vocabulary book, please contact us at the following address.



The glossary is free of charge, but we ask that you bear the postage costs for sending it by mail. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in this regard.



 【連絡先】Contact information

 とちぎに夜間中学をつくり育てる会  The Association for the Creation and Development of Night Schools in Tochigi

 代表:田巻 松雄  Representative: Matsuo Tamaki

 ✉ tamakimmm@yahoo.co.jp
