This is a monthly newsletter geared toward foreign residents in Utsunomiya, published on the 10th of every month. The newsletter features introduction to the Japanese way of life and culture and up-to-date information about public services, events and courses, as well as columns written by foreign residents. There are Japanese, English, Chinese and Portuguese versions. In the Japanese version, furigana are placed above each kanji. To have our free Oh-i delivered directly to your inbox every month, send us an e-mail.
Oh-i (PDF:0.5MB)
UCIA publishes the news bulletin Info Scramble in Japanese on the 3rd Wednesday of every odd month, which informs about its upcoming events and courses and so on.
Info Scramble No.113 (PDF:224KB)
UCIA, which is operating a great range of programs, publishes its activity report UCIA Bulletin in Japanese three times a year (July, November and March). The bulletin also covers member groups' activities and other topics.
UCIA Bulletin No.70 (PDF:1.8MB)
Organization | Language | URL | |
General | Tochigi International Association Guide to Living in Tochigi |
E | http://tia21.or.jp/life/english/index.html |
C | http://tia21.or.jp/life/chinese/ | ||
P | http://tia21.or.jp/life/portuguese/index.html | ||
S | http://tia21.or.jp/life/spanish/index.html | ||
Immigration Services Agency Portal for Foreign Residents |
J Multilingual |
https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/index.html | |
Council of Local Authorities for International Relations Living Guide Hello |
J 15 foreign languages |
http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/index.html | |
News | NHK | J | https://www.nhk.or.jp/ |
NHK World | Multilingual | https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ | |
Medical Care | Tochigi Medical Information Network | JE | http://www.qq.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/ |
International Community Hearty Konandai and Kanagawa International Foundation Multilingual Medical Questionnaire |
J 18 foreign languages |
http://www.kifjp.org/medical/ | |
AMDA International Medical Information Center | J, 8 foreign languages | https://www.amdamedicalcenter.com/ | |
SHARE (Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions) | JE | https://share.or.jp/index.html | |
Japanese Learning | Agency for Cultural Affairs Handbook for Learning Japanese and Life in Japan |
JECKPS | https://www.bunka.go.jp/seisaku/kokugo_nihongo/ kyoiku/handbook/ |
Education | Utsunomiya University HANDS Project |
J | http://www.djb.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/ |
Immigration | Immigration Services Agency | JECKPS | http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/index.html |
Legal Issues | Japan Legal Support Center Tochigi Office |
JE | http://www.houterasu.or.jp/tochigi/ |
Tourism | Utsunomiya Convention & Visitors Bureau | JECK | http://www.utsunomiya-cvb.org/ |