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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
About the Utsunomiya City International Association (UCIA)
- What is UCIA?
- UCIA was established in 1997 as a city government-affiliated organization dedicated to promoting international exchange. Since then, it has carried out a number of activities, such as exchange with the city's sister cities, fostering cross-cultural understanding among the Utsunomiya citizens and providing support services for foreign residents. In September 2008, UCIA became an incorporated nonprofit organization to address diverse challenges more flexibly.
About UCIA's activities
- What does UCIA do?
- We offer Japanese classes, Japanese culture classes, living information and consultation services for foreign residents. Also, we hold foreign language classes for Japanese people and events where Japanese residents and foreign residents can meet and interact.
About international exchange and understanding
- What opportunities are available to interact with non-Japanese people?
- We organize fun-filled events, such as monthly exchange parties-Café Salon and Potluck Party-, strawberry picking, study tours to facilities and so on.
For the exchange parties, please see the Exchange Parties page.
About volunteering with UCIA
- What volunteer opportunities does UCIA offer?
- If you join UCIA, you will be able to get involved in a variety of activities as a member of its committees. These include planning and running of cross-cultural events, teaching the Japanese language and Japanese culture to non-Japanese people, supporting exchange activities with sister cities, having a visitor from abroad for a homestay, assisting with foreign language classes, interpreting, translation and more.
About registration
- How do I become a UCIA member?
- Please complete an application, and bring it with your annual membership fee to us. After your application has been processed, you will receive a membership card.
For more information, please see the Membership page.
- We would like to post an advertisement on your website and publications.
- UCIA accepts advertisements at any time. For more information, please contact us.
- How do we apply for UCIA's support for our event?
- To apply for support for or co-hosting of events, a completed application should be submitted to us. For more information, please contact us.
- I would like to study Japanese.
- UCIA runs Japanese language classes that meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday in the International Plaza, and every Saturday in the Kita Shogai Gakushu Center.
For more information, please see the Japanese Language Classes page.
- Does UCIA offer foreign language classes?
- This fiscal year, UCIA holds English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean classes.
For more information, please see the Foreign Language Classes page.
- I don't understand Japanese. Can I consult in a foreign language?
- Yes, UCIA provides multilingual consultation services at the International Plaza and the City Hall. The available languages differ depending on the day. Consultation by phone is also accepted. Additionally, administrative scriveners answer questions about visa status, nationality, naturalization and so on once a month (appointments are necessary).
For more information, please see the Consultation Services for Foreign Residents page.
- Does UCIA provide translation and interpretation services?
- Yes. Our translation and interpretation services are offered by those who have registered with the Bank of Community Translators and Interpreters. There is a charge for our services. For more information, please see the Community Translators and Interpreters page.
- We are looking for a guest speaker from a foreign country for our international understanding and exchange program. Could you introduce someone to us?
- To support such activities, UCIA arranges for guest speakers from among those who have registered with the Bank of Foreign Residents. They will introduce their home country as well as different facets of their culture such as cuisine, games and arts. For more information, please contact us.